
A Better Life For All Peopl

The vision

To reach out and develop the locals and the strangers in Egypt.

A Better Life For All Peopl

The mission

To go where nobody else goes and pioneer the work of reaching out to the poor, needy, and special groups of people, such as widows, orphans and strangers to develop their lives. This will be achieved through the establishment of service projects, such as an orphanage, nurseries, educational centers, clubs, vocational training, care of prisoners, and health care, etc.

A Better Life For All Peopl


1) We offer unconditional love, help and genuine service to all without exception.

2) We do not believe in the term “refugees” but we believe in the term “strangers” based on the hospitable and generous nature of our great people.

Coming Generations orgnization



The course includes a theoretical part and a practical part inside the lecture, where women are trained in hair cutting, dyeing, and everything related to hair care, in addition to how to make different forms. The course is levels (from zero to professional).


Training on three levels so that the trainee is able to use the sewing machine, train on straight and curved sewing, make the pattern, raise the sizes before cutting (so that He is able to tailor any product himself (trousers - skirt - dress - blouse), the course Levels (from zero to professional).


First aid training, how to care for the elderly (especially those who suffer from chronic diseases and how to deal with health conditions that require intensive special care). The lecture contains a theoretical part and a practical application part. The course is levels (from zero to professional).


Training on how to use an electric shaver, using razors, training on cutting with scissors, correct shaving direction and making face masks. The course is levels (from zero to professional).

Make up

Training in preparing brides, getting acquainted with the materials and tools used for makeup artists, in addition to how to apply the appropriate makeup, the course is levels (from zero to professional)


Training on how to use a crochet needle, using crochet threads, learning about different types of stitches, and making a finished product (from scratch to professional).


Training on the use of the overlay and final sealing machine to fill the details so that the appearance of the product is consistent and attractive (from scratch to professionalism).

Curtains and upholstery

An additional sewing course that includes knowledge of ways to tailor different shapes of sheets and curtains, (from zero to professional).

Child skills development

The education of the child includes academic (Arabic - English - mathematics) in addition to teaching him some life skills that must be acquired in order to be able to rely on himself, and all this is based on Developed curriculum offered to him.

Football Academy

Playing football with coaches specialized in training young people in an advanced way that qualifies them for professionalism, taking into account the inculcation of sports ethics and behavior control.

English for children

Teaching the principles and basics of English grammar and rules, by taking the first test to determine the applicant's level of the course, the course levels (from zero to professional

English for adults

The course includes teaching the principles and basics of the language (reading, writing, grammar rules, and conversation) by first doing a test to determine the level of the person applying for the course, the course levels (from zero to professional)


Teaching the trainees to play the musical instrument. The course includes a theoretical part and another practical part (melody - chords - musical notes). The course includes levels (from zero to professional).


How to make different items and the steps to prepare them, methods of preserving and storing food, knowing the basics of cooking and spices for each type of food, the course is levels (from zero to professional).

Hard generation

Learn about its types, how it works, know the device, its tools and materials, and how to use it. The course is levels (from zero to professional).

Coming Generations orgnization


Training is one of the activities that serve the general activities, the activities that serve the activities that serve, the activities that serve the summer activities.

4000 +

The number of joint families

6000 +


22500 +


Coming Generations orgnization

Courses available now


Contact us

Welcome to serve you

Coming Generations orgnization FAQ

6th of October city the 6th district Al-Yasmine Village, Al-Yasmine Mall

call uo with whats app or phone number

The mission

To go where nobody else goes and pioneer the work of reaching out to the poor, needy, and special groups of people, such as widows, orphans and strangers to develop their lives. This will be achieved through the establishment of service projects, such as an orphanage, nurseries, educational centers, clubs, vocational training, care of prisoners, and health care, etc.

Coming Generations orgnization

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