
About orgnization

coming Generations orgnization

A better life for all people


To go where nobody else goes and pioneer the work of reaching out to the poor, needy, and special groups of people, such as widows, orphans and strangers to develop their lives. This will be achieved through the establishment of service projects, such as an orphanage, nurseries, educational centers, clubs, vocational training, care of prisoners, and health care, etc.

Coming Generations orgnization


Training is one of the activities that serve the general activities, the activities that serve the activities that serve, the activities that serve the summer activities.

4000 +

The number of joint families

6000 +


22500 +


A Better Life For All Peopl

The vision

To reach out and develop the locals and the strangers in Egypt.

A Better Life For All Peopl

The mission

To go where nobody else goes and pioneer the work of reaching out to the poor, needy, and special groups of people, such as widows, orphans and strangers to develop their lives. This will be achieved through the establishment of service projects, such as an orphanage, nurseries, educational centers, clubs, vocational training, care of prisoners, and health care, etc.

A Better Life For All Peopl


1) We offer unconditional love, help and genuine service to all without exception.

2) We do not believe in the term “refugees” but we believe in the term “strangers” based on the hospitable and generous nature of our great people.